Monday, November 24, 2008

Easier to Gripe Than Give Thanks

I called several absentees today and told them I have been missing them in services, love them, and hope they will come back to services. With the way people travel these days, and miss church for so many entertainment reasons, it is hard to know when to call folks. I usually wait about 4 to 6 weeks.

Excuses for not being in church for over a month went all the way from "I am disappointed the church did not stand up for morals more before the Presidential elections" to "we are getting our house ready to sell and are too busy for services."

Rueven Ross, a dear friend who has ministered in Israel for years, said a long time ago that he thought American Christians were the least prepared for hard times than any other Christians on the planet. He has traveled extensively all over the world and would have a larger perspective than many church folks. I agree with him more now than ever.

It is shocking and amazing how quickly people drop out of fellowship--even members who have agreed to a covenant relationship. Is it any wonder why these types of Christians have little victory in their lives? There is little difference between the fickleness of these types of believers and those who do not attend church. They know little of faithfulness, perseverance, and endurance.

Regardless of these types of heart-aches, any pastor knows this is still a season to give thanks. Here's a quick list of things I am thankful for:

1. My wonderful wife--she is the most stable person I know.
2. My wonderful children and their spouses. I am so thankful they have healthy marriages and are in the ministry.
3. My wonderful, adorable, best in the world grandchildren. I am absolutely crazy about them, would do anything for them and want to be with them every day of my life!
4. A wonderful team of elders, deacons, pastors and staff I work with at Stone Creek Church.
5. The joy of living in a major college town full of world-class citizens.
6. The fact that my mother is still living and I get to see her about every single month. She use to live 14 hours away and now is just on the other side of the state.
7. The wonderful young men and women who call me Papa G, truly love me, and let me share in their lives and ministries.
8. Wayne and Kristi Northup who really got the Papa G. thing going so many years ago!
9. This coming Christmas -- my whole family will be together in Minnesota with my wife’s entire family!
10. For God's blessings and goodness upon my life--He has made me a minister of the Gospel and I have more blessings than I deserve in any life-time.

So my sons and daughters, please make a quick little Thanksgiving list and it will help you be a better person and gripe less!

Love you,

Papa G.

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