Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Assumptions and Losses

Good evening Sons & Daughters,

I just got back from a week of ministry in jolly old England with Paul Alexander, President at Mattersey Hall Bible College in Mattersey, enjoyed visiting the oldest wooden church in the world at Essex (the Greensted Church late 6th/early 7th century!) with my dear friend Pastor Ken Williamson and then wonderful ministry at a Men's Retreat & Sunday Service with Pastor Doug Williams of Evangel Christian Centre in Walthamstow, East London.

Was standing in line at 4:10 AM @ London Heathrow this past Monday waiting to board Air France for Lagos, Nigeria for five days of fellowship, friendship and ministry with my dear Elder Blessing Adeoye (after completing his PHD & working professionally, he gave up a rich career to minister to some of the poorest of the poor in that vast city of Lagos) and realized I did not have a Visa for Nigeria! I took the subway (called The Tube) into London and waited for 3 hours at the Nigerian Embassy to no avail. Back to Heathrow airport and was able to jump a plane and come home!

My assumption in not checking details for this trip ended up in loses. Here's some life-lessons for my sons & daughters so you can live smarter, avoid my dumb mistakes and be more blessed than me:

1. Superintendent Ernie Moen use to say, "Attention to details brings success." I was not successful because I did not check all the details. Some I did, but one of the most important I overlooked. Lesson: Check & re-check details so success is guaranteed.

2. I called Elder Blessing via his wife Florence and told her I could not make it. Then I called him yesterday to find out he did not sleep well Monday night because he was so disappointed. He had worked, planned and prayed so hard and yet my arrival fell through. Lesson: When we fail in checking details & leave something undone it causes pain in the ones we love.

3. I was totally exhausted from so much travel, ministry and then the stress of plans not working out. Lesson: Assumptions can cause personal exhaustion, embarrssment, and trials (makes you feel really dumb!).

So all of you sons and daughters please make sure as you continue to grow in your experience and confidence that you still check details, follow through on promises, and do your hardest work on the front end of things. An ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure. Be encouraged with Galatians 5:16, it is my prayer for you.

I love you passionately as father,

Papa G.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Asking People To Come To Jesus!

I was so impressed with Craig Groeschel "10 Reasons..." I wanted to put it on my blog hoping more people would read it and pass it on. Please see below.

Am teaching at Mattersey Hall Bible College in Northern England and having a great time! 15 minutes from where the Wesley's grew up! A church right across from this school has records of the actual pilgrims that came to America! If we find something 100 years old in America we think it is a big deal--tonight I went to dinner with Dr. Paul & Carol Alexander's the President here at MH in Linclon, England and there is huge Cathedral there that was built in 1079! Paul said it costs $100,000 US to operate it per week! Yikes!

Head back to London on Thursday via the train and do a Men's Retreat for Pastor Doug Williams and on to Lagos, Nigeria on Monday to minister in a prison and outdoor meeting for our own Elder Blessing Adeoye from Stone Creek Church!

I encourage any of my spiritual sons & daughters to go on missions trips whenever you can! It enlarges your world view and helps you be a more tolerant and loving person! The world and certainly the Kingdom is sooooooooooo much bigger than our American culture. We need to be cultural students and one of the ways to understand America better because of the huge immigration going on in our country is to travel. Enough said, enjoy Craig's article!

by Craig Groeschel
10 Reasons to Invite People to Follow Christ Every Week At Church
1. Someone may be at church only once.
2. The Holy Spirit may have been working on them for months or years.
3. Even some churched people don’t understand the gospel.
4. Many trust in the church for salvation instead of trusting Christ.
5. Seeing others saved gives believers another reason to worship and motivation to witness.
6. New Christians can “light a church on fire.”
7. Angels in heaven get to party when one person meets Christ.
8. Hell is a real place.
9. You care deeply about people.
10. Families, workplaces, neighborhoods, cities, and generations could be different when one person meets Christ.
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